I am so excited! I feel like we are finally doing something with our adoption. Since we decided that we were going to adopt in November, we have been waiting to actually get started. I have never been very good at waiting. I am definitely NOT a patient person. I know that God is going to use our adoption as a lesson in patience. I will have to learn to depend on him to take care of this process when so much of it is out of my hands and we are at the mercy of other people to make things happen.
I knew that with adoption there was a lot of waiting involved. I just didn't expect it to happen at the beginning. First it was waiting on bloodwork to come back so that we could send in our initial application to our adoption agency. Then we had to wait for the agency to send their questionnares to all of our references. Some did not recieve them at first, so they had to be resent. Then we waited while our references sent their letters back. Finally, they all came in and we were officially accepted! After waiting for the holidays to end, we were able to get our application in to our homestudy agency. Now we have been accepted by our homestudy agency and we are ready to begin! Yesterday, we went to the police station to have our fingerprints done. We have an appointment with our adoption agency in Tupelo in Monday and on Tuesday we go to Birmingham for our first homestudy meeting. After waiting for two months, we are finally making steps to bring our little girl home!